Thursday, November 15, 2007

What's in a name?

I'm back! Sorry for the lack of recent updates, but real life intervenes. Anyway, this post is dedicated to what this project will actually be called. Right now, I'm using "Apples to AJAX" just about everywhere, but I have to say that I don't particularly like that name. For one thing, I think it's a little bit too close to the original "Apples to Apples", and I don't really feel like risking legal trouble. My understanding is that I'll be OK just as long as I don't use the exact name or a very obvious derivation thereof (definitely correct me if I'm mistaken on that), but I'd really like not to push it.

Additionally, I don't like the fact that it has "AJAX" in it. Granted, the game is going to feature AJAX very prominently, but I don't think it's important for my future visitors to know that. When you boil it down, "AJAX" is basically just a web development buzzword that doesn't have a whole lot of meaning to the end user. A lot of people don't know what it is, so I would have to answer "what the heck is AJAX?" from the majority of people who visit the site. I don't think I could even explain it succinctly to someone who doesn't know a lot about how the Internet works, which is likely to be most of my audience. And that's kind of the point - even if you don't have the slightest idea what AJAX is, you can still play the game perfectly fine. So basically, there's absolutely no reason for the word "AJAX" to appear in the name.

Just as an aside though, I do have to say that the shorthand of "a2a" is very convenient. Right now, the project is living in a folder called "a2a", and the CSS and JS files are prefixed with "a2a". Additionally, I think it's appropriate given my current location in Ann Arbor, commonly nicknamed A2 or AA. I definitely didn't know I was gonna wind up here when I started working on this project, but sometimes things just turn out the right way.

So what am I thinking instead of "Apples to AJAX"? I haven't completely decided, but I am personally leaning towards something like "Dangerous Apples". I like the fact that it has the adjective-noun format that you construct during the game, and also a certain non sequitur element to it. You can imagine playing "Apples" as a red card for the green card "Dangerous". That and I just like the rhythm - that whole dactyl-spondee sequence. Virgil was onto something for sure. I'm not sure if it's too crazy of a name though, and I wonder if I'd need to redo any of my artwork - the current apple logo doesn't look very dangerous for sure. (Maybe it's just a facade...)

Any other thoughts?


BendiStraw said...

(From looking at your screenshots) Your interface is soooo cuuuute! ^_^
Maybe you should give it a retro look, but that's just my opinion ;-)
Btw, did you write out the whole Latin convo out yourself?

Mark said...

Thanks! I kinda like the "new" look of the shots, given that it's kind of a shiny new Web 2.0 thing, but I'm curious what you mean by a "retro" look.

As for the Latin, I generated that using the wonderful services of I'm definitely not creative enough to come up with that on my own.

Any comments on the naming issue?

Integrator said...

[Apples to Apples and] "Dust to Dust"?

-Balls to Nuts
-Nutty bolts
-Blasphemous Fruiting (dactyl-spondee!)